
Beautiful You

“I’m already in love with myself, so in love with myself”


As Iggy Azalea so elegantly put it “I’m already in love with myself, so in love with myself”. You’re probably thinking, “What the heck…Juana just quoted Iggy..here comes a feminist, girl power blog post”. And you’re kinda right.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who I am at my core. Am I a daughter, sister, friend, dancer, producer, writer? What drives my purpose in life? What is my purpose in life?

As I prepare to become a wife in just five months, I think back to my single days and remember the desire to have a significant other. In the Christian community, girls tend to get married fairly young. It was difficult, sometimes, seeing girls getting to experience dating, engagement, and marriage before I did.  It’s easy to complain and envy those couples. Marriage is great, right?  One thing is for certain, God taught me (and continues to remind me daily) that I’m His child. He will never forsake me. All I need is HIM! Everything else comes second place.

And you know what else? I learned to love myself before loving a man. It’s a dangerous place to be when you put your value, self-worth, and happiness in someone else. Don’t do things to impress anybody but God and yourself. If I could stand on a mountain and scream this at the top of my lungs I would.

So, women, you scream it too!

I’m FLIPPIN’ awesome!

I graduated with 2 degrees because I value my education. I work out because I like the way it makes me feel. I dance until I can’t breathe because I feel free. I do things for me.

It’s important to focus on yourself and your identity in God. If those foundations aren’t set, it’s easy for someone to come in and muddy your confidence.

So, women, fall in love with yourself. You’re pretty great , after all.

travel, Uncategorized

A New Year

My New Year’s Eve celebrations are usually spent at home, with a bottle of Martinelli’s sparkling cider, and a movie marathon.  When I lived in California with my family, we spent quiet nights in until 11:59 pm, when we would scream along with the midnight countdown on TV.  I can count on one hand, how many NYE parties we’ve actually attended.  Despite my aversion to crowds and being out after midnight, I always wanted to get gussied up and go out on the town to ring in the new year. And, just a few days ago, I did just that.

After two days of discussing potential NYE plans with my friend, Rachel, we finally decided keep it simple by going out to dinner with more friends.  We were in for an interesting night.

We waited 2 hours for a table at P.F. Changs. That’s probably the longest restaurant wait I’ve ever experienced. Still, we waited and waited for a table. By the time we sat down for dinner, it was really late into the evening.  Soon, we ran to the square outside, with full bellies and happy hearts. Then, the countdown began: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

And with that, 2015 ended and 2016 began with fireworks, cheering, and a kiss. With that, a new year lies ahead.