Christianity, religion

A New Journey

Oh my goodness.  It happened.  I went for it and it happened.  I got a NEW job!!!!

I really enjoy working with my group of peeps at the hotel (you know who you are!).  I’ve really loved getting to know some new members who joined us at the beginning of the year.  My work is great; I’m good at what I do.  My boss is fantastic and is super encouraging.  I know what to expect when I go into work.  But, that’s just it.  It was becoming a tedious round of knowing what to expect and I was becoming complacent.  And even though change scares me, the thought of not moving outside of my comfort zone is even scarier.

Since the moment I handed in my resignation, I started doubting my decisions and fear started to take over.  Was I making the right choice?  I should just stay where I am, I know what I’m doing!  Right.  Right?

But these thoughts are ones of fear and what does the Bible say???

2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”  I have to remind myself of this every moment of everyday.

I also have to remind myself that I am not here to please man, but to please God.  I was fearful that my coworkers would be upset that I resigned or that I was making the wrong choice.  But, when I am old and gray, I don’t think I’ll remember my fear, but that I moved towards my own goals and dreams.

Oh God, I’m still so nervous.  But, I know it’ll be good.


Be Joyful Always.




Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844 – 1889

Nothing is so beautiful as spring—

When weeds, in wheels, shoot long and lovely and lush;

Thrush’s eggs look little low heavens, and thrush

Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring

The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing;

The glassy peartree leaves and blooms, they brush

The descending blue; that blue is all in a rush

With richness; the racing lambs too have fair their fling.

What is all this juice and all this joy?…

Spring is near and the days are getting longer.  This weekend was like a breath of fresh air (literally).  It was the first weekend without snow on the ground.  There was no chilly wind.  I wore a skirt and light jacket.  Ahhhh, it was so nice.  Winter was interesting this year.  And by interesting I mean extremely stressful and frustrating.  I needed to shed my old skin and learn to turn those rough moments into life lessons.  And I’m sure I’l end up laughing at those moments in the years to come.  But, I feel that this Spring WILL be a time to refresh and renew.  Great changes are coming.  I am learning to embrace change and not fight against it.



The Great Debate

We all know social media is a place that breeds senseless fights and arguments (most recently about the color of a certain dress).  We also know that social media is a place where people tend to air their laundry, whether it’s dirty or clean.

Two of my friends posted statuses on Facebook, living at the two ends of the spectrum.   Friend 1 said that we should be careful about what we post on social media because we could unintentionally hurt someone else.  Our achievements, relationship milestones, and perfect selfies may cause other’s insecurities to bubble up.  Friend 2 said that it shouldn’t matter what we post.  We should be free to proclaim any happenings in our lives without fear that we are upsetting someone else.

So, where do we draw the line?  Should there even be a line?  I’m interested in hearing more views.  Do tell!