

So I haven’t written one of those “this is what I did during the day” posts in a while. You know, the “I ran to the supermarket and made dinner then watched tv” posts. And I miss it. I miss dissecting my daily activities. I recently went back and read hundreds of blog posts I wrote when I was an undergrad. It was neat looking back on that time in my life. I guess they say the only things that are immortal are the words you write. Soooooo, I’m going to write one of those posts.  If not for you then for me:

I absolutely cherish my weekends. I currently work banker’s hours so by the time I reach the weekend, I’m ready to sleep for 2 days straight.  But then I feel guilty for sleeping away my time off. So this past Saturday I got up and drove to Stephen’s. We lounged. Danced. Watched movies. Talked about our future. Our past. Told jokes. Laughed til we cried. Ate junk food. Contemplated. I love hanging out with my boy. He’s the best.


After I left Stephen’s, there was a bit if sunlight left so I washed my car, did laundry, and cleaned the apartment. I also cooked steak for myself.  I *guess* I’m getting the hang of this “adulthood” thing. I spent the rest of the evening relaxing and soaking in the bath. Hmmmm…the life of a twenty-something.

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