
The Selfie

The older you get, the more you realize that the way you look is a reflection of how you treat yourself.
– Hope Davis

You see it everywhere:  The girl or guy extending their arm just so that their smart phone can catch the light properly.  They smile. Make a face.  Pout.  Put up a peace sign.  Call others to join in.  Or look around to make sure no sees.  They inspect the photo.  A filter is chosen.  The post button is clicked.  And just like that, someone’s portrait is available for all to see.

While the selfie is so popular, so is the hate of the selfie.  Instagramers warn their followers, “Forgive my selfie!” or “I NEVER post these”.  Selfie-takers are judged and get eyes rolled at them.  We judge them for being “vain”, “self-absorbed”, and “society-centered”.

But, I see the selfie as something different.  With the amount of self-hate that drowns society, we should be glad that someone had the courage to show us their portrait.  That’s how they view themselves.  They feel beautiful at that moment.  They want to show you their new sunglasses, their new shirt, their new new hairstyle.  And perhaps, their new found confidence.

As someone who stills deals with confidence issues, I love being able to express my beauty through social media.  It’s not about fishing for compliments, but rather proclaiming, “Here I am, world! I may not be your classic definition of beauty, and maybe you think I’m superficial for posting my selfie, but hey, here I am.”

Selfies tell a story if we’re willing to look close enough.  What’s your story?
